Friday, February 22, 2013

People have lives

It’s been two weeks since the last post. Our rehearsal last week was canceled due to personal issues the new guitarist is dealing with.

Sadly the new drummer Tim didn’t get the message and came up to play. Doc tried to call me, and I would have gone over, to jam with just the three of us but my phone didn’t ring. (that’s happened before with this stupid phone)

The new guitarist is dealing with a host of personal issues right now. At least 3, that I know of, legal issues, none of them criminal.  He’s moving to Manitou Springs and has to pack and sell a bunch of stuff. He’s also changing jobs soon and has some logistical issues to deal with there. His current job schedule doesn't give him much time to deal with his personal life.
As a result he has told me he won’t be able to start rehearsals until after the 1st of March. He does want to stay with us and I want to keep him with us as well. The current band make up is good, really good, and Joe will be able to pick up his parts quickly. He has a CD that he can listen to for his vocal parts and familiarize himself with the song structures.

So as it stands now we are going to practice as a trio. Tomorrow, barring extreme weather, we will be practicing. This project is going to result in a very good band and is worth the initial delays and set backs. 

People have lives.

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